Tag9 Books I Read in August
I am late with my August reading round-up and I’m also rather unhappy with the reading itself, or rather the quantity of it. I was hoping to read much more during my holiday, but my Estonian vacations tend to be extremely busy and this one was probably the w..
9 Books for Cool Girls
As we have discussed numerous times, I am not a cool person*. I do, however, know several cool girls personally and I also observe cool reading babes in their natural habitat on Instagram. As a result of years of intense research, I present this entirely arb..
7 + 1 Books I Read in July
My July reading was still affected by the World Cup and – towards the end of the month – also by all the walking I’ve been doing, but it was a good reading month regardless. I liked pretty much everything I read and some of it I liked a lot.
1. My Year of..
Summer 2018 Reading List
On reflection, I should probably have divided this into two posts, I didn’t quite realise how many books there were. But now it’s too late and you simply have to plough through my 27-item list. All the usual disclaimers apply: as I haven’t read these yet, I ..
6 Books I Read in June
World Cup’s impact on my reading is plain to see (I’ve tried to watch every single game and haven’t missed many), but apart from that, I’m rather pleased with this month. It included one of the highlights of my reading year so far and I enjoyed the rest as w..
The Making of a Witch: Circe by Madeline Miller
When you are very young, every book can be a miracle, if you’re so inclined. It’s always a new world, exciting and unique, something you haven’t experienced before. Your mind is blown and then blown again. Nothing exists but the book in your hands, you are c..
Nine Books I Read in May
May – a bad month for reading, a horrible one for blogging. I knew it was going to be suboptimal, but it turned out worse than I expected. The pace at work combined with losing my iPad meant I didn’t manage to post even the things I had half-prepared and tak..
11 Books I Read in April
The title sounds better than the actual reading results of April, as five of the books I finished were small Penguin Moderns. Then again, I read two books of 400+ pages, so it evens out.
1. Gio-Graphy: Serious Fun in the Wild World of Fasion by Giovanna B..
N.K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth: Best Fantasy Written in the 21st Century?
I’ve never thought of myself as a reader of particularly high standards: I read for fun as much as I read for enlightenment and catharsis. If anything, I’m suspicious of those whose reading list is only filled with Proust and Nabokov and Sand. More than 30 y..
10 Books I Read in March
Another month, another good reading streak. I could probably have read more in the end of March, as we had the long Easter weekend, but made a conscious decision to do other things as well – cook, spring clean, watch movies, talk to people. All-in-all, a mon..