TagThe Days of Trendlessness
These pictures were taken almost a year ago and with a charitable outlook, you could still use them to illustrate a fresh piece of writing on current trends (which I am, sort of, doing). The colour story is certainly up to date: there are massive amounts of lilac, brown and yellow around at them moment, although the latter should be slightly mellower than the colour of my Bottega mules.
Lockdown Life: Audiobooks & Red Dresses
Belgium is in lockdown again and I must admit I find writing about clothes in this situation difficult. It’s not that I think I shouldn’t or that I believe it’s somehow wrong to contemplate garments when the world is suffering, I just mostly don’t feel inspired*. Which is unfortunate, as I still have some nice pictures from my photo shoot in Estonia, which I haven’t posted.
This Is Not My Dress and Other Thoughts
This is going to sound arrogant (and perhaps it is), but I rarely find people whose thoughts on fashion I’m genuinely interested in. The insiders can be uncritical and take themselves way too seriously, the outsiders often don’t understand how the industry works and/or are bitter because they are outsiders. The best person to have views on style – and on most things, really – is a somewhat disillusioned (former) insider.
Back to Basics
If you are someone who’s interested in clothes, chances are that in recent months you have been pondering your relationship with them. Does one really need any, beyond track pants? Was the pleasure you took in dressing up real or did you just imagine it? Who even are we when not directly exposed to the gaze of other people and their judgement?
Restyling Challenge: Strawberry Vintage
I know the order is usually ‘strawberries and cream’, but in this case we have already had the cream and I’m now following up with strawberries. As I mentioned in that last style post, I am encouraging myself to wear things I already own and if I really need..
Restyling Challenge: All Cream Everything
I mentioned in my autumn trends overview that I’ve got some style posts coming where I will either take an old favourite and restyle it or create a look based on vintage pieces. This is a deliberate attempt to curb my tendency to constantly buy new, exciting..
Autumn (Non) Trend Report
I have been putting off writing the Autumn trend overview because frankly, there are no trends. OK, I agree, there are always trends, but there are less and less of the kind that make sense for articles like these. There are no overnight reversals in directi..
The Dark Side of the Sun: Black in Summer, Friday Evening Edition
When it comes to going-out dresses, I’m a simple creature: I like them short and tight. I am very far from thinking that women can only look sexy in clingy and revealing things, but I also see no shame in wanting to get one’s legs (or whatever your equivalen..
The Dark Side of the Sun: Black in Summer vol 4
I have already written about my view that in the Northern-European climate, an extensive summer wardrobe tends to be unnecessary. Spending lots of money on things that can only be worn for approximately two weeks every year just isn’t the best use of resourc..
The Dark Side of the Sun: Black in Summer vol 3
There are outfits that are a joy to photograph – maybe they have an interesting silhouette or an unusual combination of colours or they just look flattering and distinct on film. Then there are clothes that are a joy to wear, but do not necessarily impress w..