TagIndia Mahdavi’s Pastel Power
I had no idea that I’d been in love with India Mahdavi’s work since 2014. As soon as Gallery at Sketch London reopened after renovation that year, I knew this was a place I wanted to visit: full of rose pink velvet and chairs that looked like they were made ..
Best of 2016: Style, Food and Everything Else
I’ve done the books, the skincare, the makeup and the perfume, but I still have some favourites left. This is the last one, I promise.
1. Tanel Veenre jewellery. I’m not a big jewellery wearer, but IF I’m going to wear any, it better make a statement. 201..
Life Essentials: A Cashmere Tracksuit
Recently, I feel like I’m not doing justice to the name of this blog. While there is some life, there is very little cold climate – most of the stuff I’ve been posting could have been written somewhere in Sahara. To a certain extent, it’s because the winter ..
Colour to Wear: Bruised Rose
It’s been pretty solidly established by now that I like to wear pink: after years of claiming that “I usually don’t like pink but this skirt/dress/lipstick/doughnut is rather nice” I had to admit that saying this twice a week possibly hints at something. So ..
The Best Rollneck for Layering
You know that feeling when a trend becomes ubiquitous and every magazine and Instagram influencer is trying to convince you to buy into it and you are totally on board and happy to oblige and like “yes, yes, I agree, no need to sell it to me any more” but yo..
Dressing For Long Flights: 6 Rules
I know, what the world needs now is love, sweet love, not another piece on airplane dressing – there have been 347 trillion of them already. Nevertheless, I keep reading them all and what’s worse, I still keep making stupid mistakes. So I thought I might as ..
On The Difference in Disposition (Inspired by Online Commenters)
I googled my name yesterday. Yes, I know, what was I thinking? But I had a good excuse: I was looking for an article in a professional magazine for communicators where I talked about my job. Unfortunately, that story wasn’t available online, but I found some..
5 Office Outfits
Last week, The Guardian’s Jess Cartner-Morley wrote a pertinent column about modern power dressing. She made a point about the sheath dress being over and I’m afraid she’s right. Obviously, you can still wear a sheath dress. You are a grown-up woman and can ..
It Was All Yellow
I wasn’t planning to write this post at all. Not that all of my posts are carefully planned, but I do have a general list of topics in my head (and on my iPad) that I keep updating and developing. Sometimes, however, I have an idea in the morning and a blogp..
Back in Fashion (ft a Deconstructed Riina Põldroos Dress)
Of all my frivolous pursuits, fashion used to be my favourite. In my late teens, I spent my negligible pocket money on the UK Vogue and if there was any left over, on the US one. When the miracle of Internet happened, I clicked through every single look of e..