Victoria Beckham
TagMy Morning Skincare Routine Now That I’m 45
As I mostly write about books these days, I tend to forget that statistically speaking, it’s my skincare posts that have the most readers. I looked at my stats recently, after perhaps a year of not paying any attention, and it’s frankly insane that there are more than 100 000 people who have read me going on and on about The Ordinary. Most of the top 10 posts are about skincare, with a couple of perfume ones thrown in. So I thought it may be time for a skincare update, as it’s been almost a decade since I wrote some of these articles.
Best of 2024: Beauty
Like my style, my beauty consumption has also settled down. Not really to normal levels, but somewhat closer to it. Perhaps it’s simply an age thing? The most important elements of my skincare routine are Vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night, which do not change much, and then I can play around with the rest. My makeup tends to be relatively minimal (if I bother at all) and softer than in the past, so there isn’t too much to report on that front either. That said, I do have a number of things I enjoyed using this year – some new, some older. Here they are:
Things I Want: 2024 Edition
It is this time of the year again when I think about objects I would like to own. It’s part daydreaming, part focusing the mind – while I like pretty things, I’ve become very impatient with random stuff. Especially if it’s me who has forgotten about my good intentions and bought some random stuff. Some of the things here are way out of my league, but making a list is satisfying nevertheless.
Best of 2021: Beauty, Style, Perfume
In the two years of the pandemic, my makeup, perfume and clothes purchases have slowed down – although not stopped by any means. Perhaps most irrationally, my habit of buying a few evening dresses per year is as strong as ever. But if you are expecting a proper ‘best of’ of fragrance or beauty releases, this I’m not able to provide. Still, perhaps this overview is useful as you are planning your own wardrobes or makeup buys.
A (Belated) (Christmas) Wish List
This isn’t really a serious Christmas list – first of all, it’s obviously way too late for that and second, I don’t expect anyone to give me these things. It’s mostly a collection of objects I like and consider getting for myself, in case realistic. The good news is that I don’t get as excited about things as I used to; the bad news is that IF I get excited, it’s almost guaranteed to be something expensive.
9 Things I Want to Buy
“What I NEED most at the moment is a pair of boxing gloves” – this is an actual quote by me to J from two days ago. For context, let me also inform you that I uttered this sentence after complaining that I was forced to go to the doctor and spend 73 euros on..
October Memo: Cillian Murphy, Victoria Beckham & Fighting Poverty
I’m late with my October memo for an unusual reason – I couldn’t think of anything exciting to write about. I can only assume it’s related to me being more stressed than usual, because as a rule, I get excited very easily. Fortunately, (some) inspiration has..
The Bitch Dress
There was much internal agonizing over the title of this post. I’m not in the habit of encouraging anyone to be bitchy and I’m even less enthusiastic about calling women bitchy when they’re being assertive. Or just having an opinion, for that matter. But the..