5 Jo Malone Fragrances I Wear All the Time

5 Jo Malone Fragrances I Wear All the Time

Today is the first day of spring and this seemed a good time for a post on Jo Malone, the brand that reinvented cologne for modern consumers. Perfumistas can be a bit dismissive of Malone, as the fragrances aren’t very complex or statement-making. I complain too, but it’s silly of me.

Jo Malone is successful because it does a number of things really, really well: their scents strike a balance between intriguing and accessible – interesting enough for people with a perfume habit, wearable enough not to scare off mainstream consumers; the packaging is impeccable and their products make excellent gifts; they do small (30 ml) bottles and excel at limited editions. One can say that Malones are overpriced for what they are, but that is a moot point, until someone else is able to provide a similar combination at a lower price. The truth is that I own quite a few Jo Malone scents and wear them often.*

1. Blackberry & Bay. My first Jo Malone and still my favourite, also the first that I have completely used up and need to buy a replacement for. Fruity scents are difficult to get right, but this mix of tart berries and woody-green bay is excellently judged. It has an outdoorsy feel and is often liked by people who don’t usually care much for JM offerings. The candle is also great and one my absolute favourites for late summer. A longer review is here.

2. Mimosa & Cardamom. I must admit that I find it difficult to understand people who don’t like this scent. Not because it’s a great masterpiece of perfumery, but because it’s so happy and sunny and just… so good-smelling. It’s cheerful without being infantile, creamy and very gently spicy. Again, the candle is wonderful – many Jo Malone perfumes work very well as room fragrances, as they aren’t too overwhelming or pretentious. Full review here.

Jo Malones Lying

3. Wood Sage & Sea Salt. I was very much looking forward to the launch of this scent a couple of seasons ago, secretly hoping that there will be lot’s of sea salt and beachy herbs. There aren’t, really. It’s mostly pale, bleached wood with a touch of the sea. But even as it is, there isn’t anything else like that on the market and I wear it a lot in the summer and early autumn. Some more thoughts here.

4. Birch & Black Pepper. I know, I shouldn’t really bring the limited edition scents into it, as they are mostly no longer available. But Rock the Ages was probably my favourite collection ever from Jo Malone and B&BB my favourite of the five scents. I mostly wanted to include this as it’s an untypical Malone, featuring birch tar and having a tougher feel than most other perfumes in the line. Unfortunately, I no longer have the bottle, as it fell to its death from the kitchen cupboard shelf, where I had stored it for reasons that shall remain a mystery. If you want to try something different in the permanent collection, try Pomegranate Noir – I find that one pretty intense and quite interesting too.

5. Wild Strawberry & Parsley. Another limited edition, but if you are lucky, this might still be available in stores. The latest Herb Garden collection is a perfect example of JM on top form: a vaguely England-inspired theme, unusual ingredients (sorrel, nasturtium, carrot blossom, etc) executed in an accessible way, gorgeous green bottles, a lovely marketing campaign with a 60+ model. Wild Strawberry & Parsley was my favourite of the five and is probably the most mainstream: it could be Blackberry & Bay’s younger, sweeter cousin. Not that they smell alike, but the idea of combining a fruity smell with something green and slightly unusual is the same. Don’t be afraid of the parsley – it’s there, but it’s nice.

I seem to have a preference for Jo Malone colognes over their Cologne Intense (in dark bottles) series – probably because if I want something more substantial, there are other brands who do it better. My favourites also seem to be mostly from recent years, reflecting my increased interest in perfume since 2009 or so. But all are worth a try. If you have 30 minutes to kill in an airport with a Jo Malone counter, I suggest you go and explore.

*’All the time’ in my case means something like ‘several times a year’, as I own more than 40 bottles and a sea of samples and decants.

Jo Malone Tower


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  1. 1

    Lovely post, thank you! I hope it means you found back your phone…so sweet to read your daughter’s attempt to reason with Lumi. My dogtrainer always says be worried if your dog behaves well if it hasn’t been a nuisance (to our perception) first (and that takes a while), by ‘misbehaving’ they actually ask how they should behave. Not unlike human children I suppose. I am planning a trip to the big city to do some serious Malone sniffing.

    • 2

      Thank you, Hamamelis! Unfortunately, the phone is still missing in action and I’m operating with my iPad. And Lumi isn’t really misbehaving (or, as you say, is only ‘misbehaving’ in our eyes), she is just being a puppy. On the whole, I think she has been very patient with Lill, who has good intentions, but is clumsy and doesn’t fully realise what she’s doing.

      Do you have any Jo Malone favourites, by the way? Or this will be your first time sniffing them?

  2. 3

    First time sniffing, long overdue! My best friend wears White jasmin & mint and I really like it on her. I live somewhat in the Dutch outback, sniffing requires a bit of an expedition…when will you leave for much needed tropical relaxing? Hope you will find your phone, what a bugger.

    • 4

      White Jasmin & Mint is very nice, I actually considered including it, but felt that I didn’t know it well enough. I’m not sure if JM would be your thing, but I do think they are worth sniffing for anyone with a deeper interest perfume. If nothing else, then for reference. And I completely sympathise with the need for expeditions – Estonia (even Tallinn) used to be a desert in terms of interesting perfume, but it’s much better now.

  3. 9
    Ms Lee

    Hi, I hope you are well, I’m just wondering if you layer any of the Jo Malones? I have the Mimosa and Cardamom but am thinking of getting another JM fragrance to layer with it, as it gets very sweet after a while! I like the wood sage as well but it completely disappears in a matter of minutes which is why I don’t have a bottle. 🙁

    • 10

      Apologies for being late to respond, my Internet connection comes and goes. I must admit that I’m not much of a layerer, so don’t have any great suggestions on top of my head. I believe that anything simple and woody might work, but JM doesn’t have much in that category (especially if WS&SS doesn’t work for you). If you have something sandalwood-based, that might work. Sorry to be so useless!

  4. 11
    Ms Lee

    No problem! I appreciate your reply! I am going to try layering the woodsage and seasalt with it the next time I’m near the JM counter. See how that goes! Otherwise I’ll just have to spray lightly! Or put it away ?

  5. 13

    Hi Anniky,
    Thank you for your offer to send some Jo’s my way. If you have time and energy to send some I would be thrilled. I am somewhat phobic of leaving my email address anywhere, but if I am correct you have mine through this site, so if you mail me I will mail you my address or I am happy to mail you but need an address (can I mail you @lifeinacoldclimate?).
    Best of luck with climatising, and happy to read you liked the Signature. And ofcourse, always happy to send you any samples of anything! (Ciel de GUM?)

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